Special Risk

Special Risk

DSI has deep experience creating and sourcing Disability and related coverage for Special Risk needs, including highly compensated Executives, Athletes, and Physicians.  Knowledge of this niche segment of the Disability Insurance industry is often claimed, but rarely acquired by Insurance professionals.  DSI knows every inch of the Special Risk market: where to source coverage, how to negotiate it, carrier flexibility and appetite for risk, and methods to accelerate the underwriting process.

Examples of Special Risk situations include:
  • Complex Disability Buy-Sell policies with valuations from $5M to more than $20, in any industry
  • Athletes earning millions or tens of millions, looking to insure their ability to compete professionally
  • Executives looking for high income disability coverage, in excess of $20,000 per month, up to several million in lump sum coverage
  • Physicians looking for Special Own Occupation coverage, or disability benefits from $20,000 monthly to $1M or more

DSI also has experience placing short-term DI coverage for high income individuals or executive teams who may be travelling abroad or conducting business under especially risky circumstances.  We’ve placed specialized coverage for clients conducting a business trip that lasts a few days, to assignments that will take them abroad for years at a time.

Our team of underwriters can work directly with clients, or through their business advisors or agent.  For more information about DSI’s special risk capabilities, please contact Scott Fletcher at [email protected].