How To Refer Clients

How To Refer Clients

This area of the website is designed to explain how and why you work with DSI designing disability insurance programs for your clients.

Disability Specialists, Inc. (DSI) is the plan administrator for all of CPS Insurance's special disability programs. The combined GA services of CPS and the specialized product and plan design expertise of DSI results in your clients receiving the best advice, products, and service possible. DSI is only involved in cases where we work directly with the client/insured. We have a vast amount of experience designing disability programs for high income white collar professionals, business owners, and executives. We write over 2,000 Individual Disability Policies a year, have over 18,000 clients, and more than $20,000,000 of inforce premium. 

Why even consider talking to your client about their disability coverage?

When doing financial or retirement planning for a client you MUST discuss their disability needs or you have created a future E&O risk for yourself. If a disabled client is unable to live on their disability benefits and/or unable to continue saving for retirement and you have advised them on their financial or retirement planning needs, you could be liable if you did not review and make recommendations about their disability coverage.

Your options are:

  1. Refer the client to DSI, we'll do everything and you'll still get part of the commission.
  2. Request quotes from CPS and explain the client’s options yourself by going to, log-in and go to "Disability Income" or call (800) 326-5433 x244. 

If limiting your E&O liability and offering the best advice and service isn’t motivating enough to convince you to refer your clients to us, you should also consider the fact you are creating a significant profit center for yourself, without any associated expenses. 

View the following links for additional details...

To refer a client to DSI, click the  REQUEST A QUOTE  link located to the left and complete the first three sections, "Client's Personal Details," "Your Contact Details" and "Client's Contact Details." It's helpful for DSI to have the information requested in the remaining sections. Please provide this information if you have it available. 

A DSI representative will call you back to discuss your referral. If you prefer to discuss your client’s circumstances before making the referral, or have questions about how DSI works with you and your client, contact Bill Pollock at (888) 279-8304 x2003 (7am to 4pm Pacific Time) or or Scott Fletcher at (888) 279-8348 x2012 (8am to 4pm Mountain Time) or